Our posts about Food

Ah, food. The number one topic of the world traveler. Did you try this? What was the weirdest thing you ate? What did you like most?

Of course we look forward to all culinary riches the world has to offer. Sometimes that means being brave and getting that stuff from the grill stand in the market and not knowing what it actually is what you're eating. Sometimes it's ordering that food you know from home, but in the country where it came from, and finding out the real roots of the dish. And sometimes it just isn't so much fun, at least for our palate.

These are our posts related to food. Enjoy your meal!

Wie es ist als Vegetarierin bei einer Schweinsschlachtung dabei zu sein

Nom nom nom

Südostasien: Flatrate an leckerem Essen

Georgetown, again

Vietnamesische Küche

Erst so naja und dann oha!

Beijing Cuisine

Permanentes Neuland

Zwei Wochen in der angeblich kältesten Hauptstadt der Welt: Ulaanbaatar


Juwel am Schwarzen Meer


Traditional Bulgaria in the Pirin mountains

Souvlaki, Meze und Baklava

Sattwerden & Genießen in Athen

Zakynthos - Facing overtourism in super low season